Reminder VT-French Canadian Genealogical Society Open House
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Vermont Genealogy Library
Hegeman Ave, Ft Ethan Allen, Colchester, Vt.
Members and the public are invited to visit our library from 10 am to 4 pm. We’re kicking off our Saturday fall season with a day that includes software and database demonstrations in the classroom. Long-time members have heard of the LaFrance Collection, one of the subscription databases we offer. Tom Devarney will answer questions & demonstrate the features of Quebec’s premier collection of millions of vital records linked by family groups. Each of our research rooms will have volunteers on hand to assist with our various resources - books, periodicals, microfiche, local computer databases and online subscription websites. And we have WiFi for your laptop, iPad or Android tablet.
Come enjoy meeting with fellow genealogists, visit with your cousins, and enjoy the tea, coffee and assortments of cookies, banana bread and brownies. Oh …and bring a friend.
Learn how we can help with your quest for family history.
Linus Leavens
70 Patchen Rd
373-8089 cell
VTFRCGS member