It's hard to believe our annual Plant, Yard, Book, and Bake Sale is just two weeks from tomorrow! As you go about your spring cleaning, we hope you'll us in mind for donations. Here's a rundown of all the items we'd love to have you donate:
Plant Sale- We appreciate your donations of perennial plants, annual vegetable or flower seedlings, shrubs and trees. Ideally, they would get dropped off Friday afternoon (May 15) or early Saturday morning. If that doesn't fit into your schedule, give Susan a call at the library, and we'll make other arrangements.
Yard Sale- We are seeking donations of furniture, household goods, kitchenware and appliances in good working order, yard and garden tools, etc. Please no clothing, as we do not have enough room to do them justice. Yard sale items can be left in the front hallway of the library, or on the side porch. We will begin accepting donations the week of the sale, from May 12th onward.
Book Sale- We accept book donations at any time, year 'round. Book donations can be left in the office.
Bake Sale- We would be grateful for your fresh baked goods for our bake sale on Saturday morning. The bake sale will set up in the church basement.
Thank you for helping us with this important spring fundraiser. We appreciate all your donations and support!
Susan O'Connell
Library Director
Craftsbury Public Library
P.O. Box 74
Craftsbury Common, VT 05827
(802) 586-9683
“Interlibrary loans are a wonder of the world and a glory of civilization.”
― Jo Walton , Among Others
Mar 5, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM
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