Medicare Boot Camp May 13

Past event
May 13, 2015, 1 to 3 PM

This class is appropriate for those who are currently enrolled in Medicare, as well as anyone who will be signing up in the near future. Family members who help elders may also find this class useful. Senior Solutions staff will provide unbiased information about the Medicare system. Medicare has strict enrollment periods, and this session will help participants make timely decisions about drug plans and supplemental plans as well as many other issues. Space is limited, so please call ahead to register. There is no fee, but donations are appreciated. To register or get more information, call the Senior HelpLine at 1-800-642-5119.
SPRINGFIELD: Wed. May 13, 1-3 P.M at the Meeting House at Springfield Hospital (on Ridgeway Road, drive past the hospital entrance and go up the next driveway on the left).
TOWNSHEND: Wed. June 24, 1-3:30 P.M. at Grace Cottage Hospital‘s Holt Conference Room, 185 Grafton Road, Townshend Vt 05353

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