The UVM Perkins Museum Environmental Science Day Camp for rising grades 1-7 students is available the week of July 13-17, 2015, 9-4, on the Trinity Campus. This is a "one week only" program, so sign up today!
Please join us for field excursions and walks that explore the natural world from an environmental perspective. Curriculum content may include botany, biology, geology, soils, hydrology, chemistry or other natural science themes. Hands-on activities and experimentation is tailored to separate age groups (Gr. 1-2, 3-4, & 5-7) with breaks for snacks,
lunch and recreational playing.
Students work in groups with approximately one teacher for every seven students. Students bring a lunch, drink, and snacks. We are a NUT-FREE camp. Please dress for the weather. Drop-off is the Perkins Museum at UVM.
Registration forms: