Heat Pumps for Space Heating Workshop

Past event
May 6, 2015

Cold Climate Heat Pump Workshop – Wednesday, May 6, 6pm

Porter Community Room, Montshire Museum, 1 Montshire Rd., Norwich, VT 05055

Cold climate heat pumps have rapidly emerged as a promising technology for Vermont. Come to a workshop to learn about heat pump options for both hot water and space heating to see if they make sense for your home. This workshop will cover the latest in heat pump technologies, the relative economics of using heat pumps versus other fuel sources, successful case studies, and resources to help you.

The workshop will be led by Jake Marin, HVAC Program Manager with Efficiency Vermont. Heat pump manufacturer reps and/or installers will be on-site to share information. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, May 6th from 6:30-8:00 pm in the Community Room of the Montshire Museum in Norwich, Vermont. Doors will open at 6:00 pm. Food and drinks will be provided.

The workshop is being co-sponsored by Efficiency Vermont, in partnership with Sustainable Energy Resource Group, the Donella Meadows Institute, Sierra Club of the Upper Valley , Two-Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission and Vital Communities.

For more information, contact SERG at 802-785-4126 or bwalker@SERG-info.org.

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