Join us on Green Up Day - Saturday, May 2 at 10:30 AM - at the Vermont Gas pipeyard in Williston to green up Vermont's energy future by saying "No!" to the Vermont Gas pipeline expansion. Since 1970, Green Up Day has brought Vermonters together to clean up our roadsides, town greens, and neighborhoods. This year, we're emboldening this community spirit to address the climate crisis.
You've heard about the skyrocketing costs, the construction delays, the cancellation of "Phase II", the eminent domain proceedings, and that the state is currently considering whether to revoke the project's permit. The entire project is teetering; we need you now to stop the project once and for all.
We'll have green trash bags, of course, to do our part in greening up Vermont, and signs, banners, and songs. Vermont Gas customers will be there to say "We're not buying - not new fossil fuel infrastructure, not more rate increases." Landowners in the pipeline's path will be there to say "We're not selling - not our farmland, not our rights." Will you be there too?
Join us this Saturday to:
1. Rally against the pipeline on Green Up Day (May 2, 10:30 - 11:30 AM), then help us pick up trash along Route 2 near the Vermont Gas pipeyard and gate station. We're providing the green bags, gloves, and safety vests. You bring your signs, enthusiasm, and passion.
2. Help Canvass (May 2, 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM): We're launching an awareness campaign for Vermont Gas customers - they're the ones paying for this project. After the rally, we'll split up into groups to speak with folks at Green Up Day barbeques and get-togethers.
3. Keep the Spirit Going Strong on Sunday (May 3): Share this link on your Facebook page to remind each other that Green Up Vermont means more than just one day.
What better way to spend Green Up Day 2015 than standing tall for a just, responsible, and truly green energy future. Share the Facebook event here:
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