Meet Cuban Farmer Isis Salcines!

Past event
May 2, 2015, 7 to 9 PM

Meet Cuban Farmer Isis Salcines as she tours with the documentary Tierralismo - an in-depth portrait of a Cuban agricultural collective that has drawn international acclaim for its sustainable practices. Tierralismo Good Earth Film Tour is excited to be traveling to US cities with a deep connection to sustainable agriculture, making Burlington a perfect stop. The collaborative relationship between local farmers and restaurants in Burlington is an inspirational model for emerging Cuban food ventures. There is a growing movement within Cuba to increase and diversify agricultural production, but Cuba, at this time, still imports close to 80% of its food. Within the last 15 years there has been a push to diversify food crops for consumption on the island after decades of dependency on mono-crops like sugar and tobacco.
Film is showing at Main St Landing Theater on 5/2/15 at 7 pm.

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