Finding Ancestors in Online Newspapers

Past event
Apr 25, 2015, 10:30 AM to 12 PM

There will be a class on Saturday at 10:30 AM at the VT Genealogy Library in Fort Ethan Allen entitled "Finding Your Ancestors in Print" by professional genealogist, Joanne Polanshek. Online newspapers are an important but often overlooked source of records on our ancestors. Joanne will explain why genealogists should consider expanding their research to include newspapers, what types of records are likely to be found there and how to avoid some common pitfalls when searching. She will discuss several of the top services including GenealogyBank, Ancestry and Joanne will also cover search techniques, costs, Vermont coverage and how to navigate the tools in a representative site. If you're hoping to find more details about the lives of those elusive ancestors then please join us on Saturday. For directions go to: & for information call (802) 310-9285. Classes are $5 and include a handout.

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