Tunbridge Green-Up Day Info

Past event
May 2, 2015

Now that the snowbanks have disappeared, our roadsides need help!
Join us picking trash along Tunbridge roads. Friends and neighbors have already been out on certain roads- The Town Farm, Kibling Hill, Potash, Button Hill, Dairy Hill, County Road, Spring Road and Recreation Road (except for Lindstrom's gravel pit area) have been walked.
The students and teachers at TCS will be working on Dickerman and Foundry Roads. All other roads are up for grabs.
Bags are available at the Town Clerks Office, The North Tunbridge Store and at the Transfer Station.
A Town map will be posted this Saturday morning at the Transfer Station, marked with completed roads,choose an area
for yourself and help fill the map with 100% color. Remember to wear gloves,spray for ticks and wear bright colors to be easily visible to traffic. Don't forget to have fun participating in this worthwhile community effort.
For more info, call Ed Howe, Tunbridge Green-Up Coordinator, 889-3750

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