Tonight, Colin Mccaffrey and Wylie Shipman Play at Bagitos Cafe

Past event
Sep 5, 2013, 6 PM

Tonight, Colin Mccaffrey and Wylie Shipman Play at Bagitos Cafe, 6-8pm

Wylie Shipman joins Colin McCaffrey tonight (Thursday) for Colin's monthly first Thursday gig at Bagitos Cafe on Main St. in Montpelier (next to the Savoy Theater). Wylie is the lead singer for the Woedoggies and plays some great folk, bluegrass, and Americana. Colin brings jazz, swing and blues to the mix and I'm sure they will come up with some great music to keep our toes tapping. So, come down for dinner or desert or for a nice glass of one of our 5 Vermont brews on tap or a glass of wine or hard cider and enjoy an evening of fine local music.

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