When: Friday, April 24, 2015, 8:00 P.M.
Where: Meet At Mike's Service Station, Downtown Hardwick
Who: Neighbors To Walk Their Neighborhoods (see List Below)
Why: For A Brief Training On Evaluating Hardwick Street Lights
What To Bring: Flashlight, Measuring Tape--at Least One Per Group & A Neighbor!
Win: An Ice Cream Party For Your Neighborhood
Please join your neighbors for the ‘Hardwick Street Light Walkers Event for evaluating the STREETLIGHTS in your neighborhood. LED street lights are coming to Hardwick and this is our opportunity to evaluate the lights all around town: are they too bright, are there too many, are there spots that need one, should they be redirected, and many more questions to ask. The way to figure this all out and have your input into YOUR neighborhood, is to join the HEART (Hardwick Energy Action Resource Team) on Friday evening, April 24 with May 1 as a rain date at 8:00 (We DO need it to be dark!) To start, we will meet at Mike’s Gulf to give a short training and give out the evaluation sheets, light meters,etc. You will then walk the streets of your Hardwick neighborhood.
We will be considering these criteria:
1. Uniformity: Look at the uniformity (or lack thereof) of lighting within the zone. How far apart are poles with lighting fixtures located? Are there too many fixtures within close proximity? Are they redundant?
2. Intersections and cross-walks: Make sure lighting is placed at all crosswalks and intersections.
3. Convenience: In general, there should be street lights sufficient to illuminate sidewalks in residential areas where there are significant numbers of pedestrians.
4. Glare: Can you see objects on the periphery; are there deep shadows?
5. Public purpose: What is the public purpose of the street light? Is it really benefitting the public?
The more than 25 folks who signed up on Town Meeting Day may be calling others (you) in their neighborhood to help organize and ‘get out the walkers’. The neighborhood with the highest turnout of Hardwick Street Light Walkers will be eligible for a Neighborhood Ice Cream Party, compliments of HEART. And the participants of that neighborhood should come by the HEART booth at Spring Festival for a special treat!
Contact us or just join us at Mike's Gulf for the walking fun on Friday, 4/24! Call 472-6185 or email nancyn@together.net
HEART (Hardwick Energy Action Resource Team)
Mary Westervelt
Nancy Nottermann
Judy Bellairs