Compost Workshop & Green Events

Past event
Apr 21, 2015

Tuesday April 21 (7 to 9 P.M.)

Come help mix up a batch of sweet-smelling compost with Naturalist / Master Composter Laurie DiCesare at the Community Center at Bayside Park in Colchester. We'll talk about several composting methods (piles, bins and vermiculture); natural compost accelerators; cures for "compost gone wrong"; and what to do with the "black gold" you produce. Bring some compostables to share...or just be a voyeur. Participants will receive helpful information, compost hand-outs and maybe a door prize. Call Colchester Parks & Rec. at 264-5640 to sign up. Fee: $8 per person [$13 for non-residents.]

For more info. and/or a Spring / Summer Green Events list (including NatureHaven Day Camp), call Laurie at 893-1845 or e-mail

Happy Earth Day April 22! What can you do to celebrate your appreciation for our planet and her bountiful resources? Plant a treeling? Green-up around your home? Prepare a rain garden? Walk around a city park with a friend...or appreciate the rain that gets Vermont growing? Rain isn't "nasty"'s just wet...and necessary for the microbes in compost to do their essential work. Namaste, Laurie :-)

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