Big yard sale Saturday (Sept 7) 9 AM to 2 PM and Sunday (Sept 8) 10 AM to noon AT 6 BENTLEY LANE in Jericho! Lots of High quality items from two households at one location! This is a major closet purge… plenty for adults and children. Furniture clothes, housewares, sports equipment, you name it, we've got it! My kids may also have snacks & drinks on hand (in addition to selling their toys!) to earn money toward a lego table or a hobby train set (they can't decide!)
We are a little far out, but this is well worth the visit! And you can take a peek at the beginnings of foliage on beautiful Nashville road!
Here is a list of the big and noteworthy items:
Bed frames
Child's table and chair
Scrapbooking and craft supplies
Lots of kids toys
Kids furniture
Booster seat
High-quality/brand name women's clothing, sizes medium and large mostly, excellent condition
Vintage dress form
Board games and puzzles
Bread machine
Burton and K2 step in snowboard boots for adults
Toddler snowboard boots
Pots and pans
Christmas decorations
Pack and play
Toddler boy clothes
Adult and kids Halloween costumes (lots of them)
Ironing boards
Hockey equipment bag
Kids bikes seat
Halloween decorations
Exercise equipment
Indoor greenhouse
Beach chairs
Baby gates
Brand-new leather motorcycle boots
Kids easel
Adult bike
Mar 10, 2025, 10:30 to 11 AM
Underhill Conservation Commission Agenda March 10Mar 10, 2025, 6:30 PM
Listen, Learn, Vent About Local & State GovernmentMar 16, 2025, 11:30 AM to 1 PM