For the Next 7 Generations will be shown at the Left Bank, 5 Bank Street in North Bennington on Saturday, April 18th at 7 p.m. It is the story about the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, how they formed and their wisdom about healing the earth. A portion of the proceeds will be sent to the Grandmother Council. $10 admission.
Meeting these women was a life event for me. They are a reminder to Honor our Elders, to listen to their stories and wisdom and to heed their advice. I believe that their collective wisdom can indeed heal the planet by returning to the ways of their Ancestors. These Grandmothers are a Global Alliance of Prayer, Education and Healing for the Earth, all her inhabitants, all the children and for the next seven generations. Come and be inspired! Reserve your seat by contacting me at
This movie is the first of 2 events focused on Honoring Grandmothers. The second event, Gathering the Grandmothers, will be held on Sunday, April 26th to honor local women in the Grandmother stage of life. One does not need to have grandchildren to partake. More information can be found at Please spread the word! Thanks