CCS Compost Sale and Shed Tour on Green Up Day

Past event
May 2, 2015, 9 AM to 12 PM

Need compost? Please buy your bulk compost at the Charlotte Central School fourth annual COMPOST SALE on Saturday, May 2nd in the CCS west Quonset parking lot from 9 a.m. to noon. Compost is being generously donated by Steven Wisbaum of Champlain Valley Compost Co. Proceeds go to the CCS Green Team school gardens and compost shed.

*New this year!*: CCS Compost Shed Tours given by 6th grade students. Come learn about thermophilic and backyard composting techniques. Drop in 9 a.m. to noon.

Please order and pay for the amount you need by Thursday, April 30th. Order forms are available on the CCS Home page headlines section:

How much do you need? For a variety of reasons, compost should be applied to achieve a minimum 80 % dilution rate apply 1 compost for every 4 soil.

Bring your 5 gal, 20 gal or 33 gal cans to the school and volunteer shovel labor will be provided. Prices are as follows: $2 per 5 gallon can, $8 per 20 gallon can, and $12 per 33 gallon can. Receipts for pre-payment are your ticket for compost pick-up on May 2nd.

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