May Day March and Rally at State House May 1

Past event
May 1, 2015, 11:30 AM to 4:30 PM

May 1st: Mass Rally and March on the Statehouse
All are invited to family friendly event on Friday May 1st in Montpelier, Starting at 11:30am Gathering at City Hall and ending at the Statehouse to demand:
• Universal Health Care That’s truly Universal and Affordable
• Human rights and Justice
• Work with dignity
Join the thousands in the streets for a day of unity against Budget cuts, Climate degradation, and corporate greed.
There will be speakers, music, and entertainment, with the focus of growing the power of the people to lead us to a better State, Country, and Planet.
Transportation & Child Care will be available.

Contact for more Information: Vermont Workers Center (802) 861-4892

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