What's Buzzing in Hinesburg: Golden-winged Warblers in the Champlain Valley
Wednesday, April 8
7 - 8 p.m.
Location: Hinesburg Town Hall, Hinesburg, VT
Join Conservation Biologist Mark LaBarr for a talk about Golden-winged Warblers and the work that Audubon Vermont has been doing to locate and protect this species in Hinesburg and other towns in the Champlain Valley. Mark will discuss the habitats that support this declining species and the challenges that face them in Vermont and across their breeding and wintering range. Learn how landowners can manage their land to create habitat that support this species and discover opportunities to help collect information on their distribution in the Champlain Valley. Learn more...
Sponsored by Audubon Vermont, the Green Mountain Audubon Society and the Hinesburg Conservation Commission
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