Audubon - Mushrooms, Moose and More

Past event
Sep 29, 2013, 12 AM

Here's what's happening in September at Audubon!(
Sign up for Audubon Vermont Calendar Updates online:

See you soon at Audubon!
Gwendolyn Causer

Wild World of Mushrooms (
Sunday, September 29
1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Are you fascinated by the endlessly intriguing world of mushroom foraging?
Join us for a colorful presentation covering foraging safety, strategy, and
technique, emphasizing The Mushroom Forager's ForageCast approach.
Sign up soon. Last year's mushroom programs filled up quickly!
Register: 434-3068 or

In Search of Moose Wallows and Warblers
Friday, October 4
8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Join Susan Morse of Keeping Track and Steve Hagenbuch from Audubon Vermont
for a day-long excursion in search of moose sign and migrating and resident
songbirds at Wolf Run in Jericho.
Register: 434-3068 or

Spider Safari (
Wednesday, September 18
10 -11 a.m.
Practice weaving a web, catch insects to "eat" and find out what it's really
like to be a spider in this gigantic world.
Register: 434-3068 or

Bird Monitoring Walk (
Saturday, September 14
8 -10 a.m.
Tune up your ears and sharpen your eyes as you help us search for birds at
the Audubon Center.

Birds and the Forest: Hike in Vermont's only National Park
Saturday, September 28
1 - 3 p.m.
Meeting Place: "Forest Festival" at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National
Historic Park, Woodstock, Vermont
Explore why our forest provides such excellent bird habitat and how we can
protect and enhance it.

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