Fight Back Rally! April 11

Past event
Apr 11, 2015

Saturday April 11 - Noon - Statehouse Lawn (Montp)

Join hundreds of state employees, school teachers and community members in taking a stand against devastating budget proposals that would result in the loss of good jobs and vital services important to so many Vermonters.

Together, we will call on our elected officials to oppose austerity measures and instead work to build a responsible budget that meets the needs of all Vermonters and advances human dignity.

Cutting our way out of a budget deficit is not a solution to the crisis in our communities, and cuts to the public sector make us even more vulnerable to extreme weather events like Tropical Storm Irene and other issues related to our changing climate.

Vermont cannot continue to balance its budget on the backs of working Vermonters. Instead, we must ask our wealthiest to pay their fair share. We can do this by making Vermont's tax code more equitable from the top down. Truth is, if we don't begin to identify new alternative sources of revenue, we all stand to lose.

Join us as we build a unified movement for human rights and dignity in Vermont.

On April 11, we will march for a budget that respects working Vermonters, meets our needs and brings us together. On May 1, International Worker's Day, we'll be back in the streets to ensure Vermont's decision-makers are taking steps to address the crisis of inequality in our communities.

Sponsored by:
Vermont State Employees' Association
Vermont Workers' Center
Vermont State Labor Council, Afl-Cio
Vermont NEA
Teamsters Local 597
AFT Vermont
UE Northeast Region
IBEW Local 300
UA Local 693
AFSCME Council 93
Vermont Progressive Party
Rising Tide Vermont
International Socialist Organization
Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series
and more!

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