Annette's Preschool Hosts Act 166 Prek Info Night

Past event
Apr 15, 2015

Families of preschool children age 3-5 are invited to attend an Act 166 Informational Night and Open House on Wednesday April 15th from 5:30-7:00PM at 96 Pond Road, Hinesburg. A parent presentation on the benefits to families of Act 166 will be followed by light refreshments and time to visit classrooms and meet teachers. Find out about what to look for in a high quality, pre-qualified program. Full-time, part-time, and new part-day programs will be discussed. Bring a friend, meet a friend and learn more about how Act 166 can support your child's early educational years. To RSVP or to ask questions, call 482-2525 or visit

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