Here's the agenda for April's Meeting, next Wednesday at UVM Medical Center, McClure Lobby Conference Room:
7.00 p.m.: Welcome and Introductions
7.05: City Council Update: Sharon Bushor, Adam Roof, Selene Colburn. Perhaps including perspective of this Monday's "Organization Day".
7.25: Speak Out: Including construction updates from UVM Housing and Medical Center Wing.
7.50: Opening Day of the Baseball Season, and throwing out the first pitch is Kyle Bostwick, VP of our Vermont Lake Monsters, with an appetizer for a season-full of action. Neighbors of Centennial Field especially encouraged to join us and engage with Kyle. Fireworks noise, parking concerns? Come and discuss.
8.15: DPW Director Chapin Spencer joins us for an update on all things roads and sidewalks (status of the last Sidewalk Plan and the new Sidewalk Plan?), green belts and Colchester Avenue Redesign, Pedestrian and Cycle safety. (Note that Megan Moir will join us in June to discuss stormwater/wastewater, sewer line investment etc.)
9.00: Close
Hopefully there's something here for most of us, so come, listen and have your say.
All are enthusiastically invited; free parking available in the McClure Garage, courtesy of UVM Medical Center.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Anne Brena
Sam Ghazey
Richard Hillyard
Steering Committee Members