6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Town & Village Office Community Room, Highway 15
Report on Hyde Park Community Solar
Call to Order at 6:00 p.m.
1. Agenda Review, Additions and/or Deletions, Approve
2. Open Public Comments
3. Report
4. Adjourn at 8:00 p.m.
2015 Village Annual Meeting
In order to apply to the Vermont Economic Development Authority for New Clean Renewable Energy Bonds “CREBs” that could finance the construction of a solar facility in Hyde Park, the Board will offer an article to voters at the May 5, 2015 Annual Meeting that basically reads as follows:
2015 Article
Shall general obligation bonds for the Village of Hyde Park in an amount not to exceed (the correct amount will be added prior to mailing the Annual Meeting Report) payable out of Electric Department revenue, be issued, subject to Public Service Board approval, for the purpose of constructing a one megawatt (1MW) solar generation facility, to be located within the Town of Hyde Park?
2014 Article #13., APPROVED BY VOTERS, Village Annual Meeting
Shall a community resiliency program be created for the purpose of promoting locally generated electricity by the strategic installation of solar energy generation for use by Hyde Park Electric and promoting efficient electric technologies, which program shall be funded through a combination of grant awards, private investments, borrowing, and Electric Department revenue?
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