The state Department of Environmental Conservation is holding a public meeting to discuss soil remediation at the Archibald Neighborhood Garden, 6:30pm Wednesday, April 8, at the Integrated Arts Academy, 6 Archibald St.
Burlington City Council recently approved the purchase of the land from the VNA of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties. The next step is a public process to finalize the remediation plan, then some hard work on the site, and the garden will be back in full production this year - better than ever! Many, many thanks go out to Dan Cahill and Jesse Bridges at Burlington Parks, Recreation & Waterfront for their diligent work over the past few years making this happen, Beverly Boget at the VNA for being an advocate for the garden since it started in 2007, the City Council Finance Committee for their thorough review, and the full City Council for their final approval. And of course, special thanks to all the gardeners and Grow Team ONE members past and present who make the garden such a special place.
The official meeting notice is at and the complete corrective action plan is available at Burlington City Clerk’s Office and at the Waste Management & Prevention Division Offices in Montpelier. For more information, contact Sarah Bartlett at or (802) 249-5641.
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