Greensboro Ballet Theater is excited to offer a new Restorative Ballet class in Fellowship Hall at Greensboro United Church of Christ. Taught by GBT Ballerina and Ballet Master Bethany Lange McAteer, the class will meet on Fridays from 2-3 PM. NO PRIOR BALLET EXPERIENCE IS NEEDED; all are welcome. The purpose of Restorative Ballet is to use the healthy, natural principles of classical dance (such as “stance,” or lifting upwards from the top of the head) to restore the body, promoting energy, ease of movement, joint health, kinesthetic awareness, and musicality. Class members will learn basic ballet vocabulary and perform these movements in time to classical movement. A suggested donation of $10.00 is encouraged.
GBT believes ballet contributes to the fundamental and full health of the dancer: physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual. Ballet, from its rich historical origins, was created to express the harmony, grace, generosity, beauty, and strength within the human person. Through the art form, Greensboro Ballet Theater seeks to uphold these virtues as intrinsic to every person, strongly believing that ballet is a beautiful expression of humanity deserving to be cherished, honored, and passed down today. This belief manifests in Greensboro Ballet Theater’s relationship with its artists and with its audience.
Restorative Ballet is currently scheduled to meet on the following days, and will continue based on interest!
April 3rd
April 10th
April 17th
April 24th