Selectboard Agenda March 31

Past event
Mar 31, 2015, 7 to 10 PM

Selectboard, Water & Sewer Commissioners, Liquor Commissioners, Cemetery Commissioners
March 31, 2015

1. Call to Order – 7:00 pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance – 7:01 pm
3. Amendments to the Agenda – 7:02 pm
4. Approval of Minutes of 3/16/15 - 7:03 pm
5. Five Minutes for Public Comment – 7:05 pm
6. Department Head & Committee Reports – 7:10 pm
7. New Business – 7:15 pm
a. Town Plan Status – Joint Meeting with Planning Commission
b. Sewer Abatement Request – Charles & Amy Pregger, 2 Caernarvon St.
c. Lillian Billewicz Request – 2/4 Willard Ave., 16/18 River St., 5 Union, and 7 Union
d. VTrans Annual Financial Plan Approval
e. Liquor Licenses:
• Midway Oil, Corp. (d/b/a Fair Haven Mobil)
• Ieremias Family Enterprises, Ltd. (d/b/a Fair Haven Inn)
f. Recreation Committee Appointment(s)
g. Correct Zoning Board of Adjustment Terms and Appointments
h. Fire Extinguisher Coverage Evaluation – Authorize $3,075.35 Expenditure from Emergency Reserve Fund to Bring
Town Fire Extinguishers Up to Code
i. Conflict of Interest Policy, Draft
8. Old Business – 9:00 pm
a. Winter Water Department Issues, Individual Incidents – Service Line, not Main Related
b. Social Service Agency Appropriation Policy Reconsideration
c. Adams Street Bridge Engineering Study Discussion
d. Mechanic Street Sidewalk/Path Scoping Analysis Status
e. Mass Notification System – Execute CodeRed Service Agreement with Emergency Communications Network, LLC
(period of effective date through June 30, 2018)
f. Peddler or Itinerant Vendors Ordinance
g. Transfer Station Fee Schedule Adjust for Punch Card Minimum $1.50
9. Board Roundtable Discussion – 10:00 pm
10. Review of Finance Reports – 10:05 pm
a. Expenditure / Revenue Reports
b. Checkbook Status
c. Sign Warrants
11. Adjourn - 10:10 pm

Upcoming Meeting Schedule:
• Regular Meeting: Tuesday, April 14; 7:00 p.m.
• Regular Meeting: Tuesday, April 28; 7:00 p.m.
• Regular Meeting: Tuesday, May 12; 7:00 p.m.
• Regular Meeting: Tuesday, May 26; 7:00 p.m.

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