911 Vigil

Past event
Sep 11, 2013, 6 PM

I am picking up where "Don" left off .... Every year since 2001 rain or shine, "Don", his wife and a few of us stand at the 5 corners from 6pm to 7pm in remembrance of Sept 11, 2001. Last year "Don" didn't make it .... not sure why ... and since he had all the flags, the ones who did show up didn't stay ... This year I want to start again. Anyone wishing to join me is more than welcome ... I have a couple of flags and a sign .... if you have flags, feel free to bring them. If anyone knows Don's last name and wants to pass this message on to him or provide him my email address that's ok. I don't want people to forget the horrible events of September 11, 2001 .... The least I can do is spend an hour of my time reminding people .... We Will Never Forget !!!


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