"A Long Walk to Water" Student Presentation

Past event
Apr 7, 2015

"A Long Walk to Water" Student Presentation at Davies Library!

You're invited to a special event on April 7th at 6:00pm at the Davies Library in Lower Waterford, VT for a presentation by the 7th grade class from Waterford School. After reading “A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park, the school’s Humanities classes felt a call to do something to help. Based on a true story, Park recounts the lives of two eleven year old children in Sudan. In 1985, Salva is an 11 year old boy who has his home ripped apart by war, finding himself a refugee traveling across the entire continent to find a safe place to live. In 2008, 11 year old Nya is a young girl whose job it is to walk two hours away –twice a day- to gather water for her family. Their stories intersect in a moving way that will make you rethink the many things we take for granted on a daily basis.

After reading this story, the students were inspired to be a part of the “Iron Giraffe Challenge.” They will be raising $1000 by May 1st to help build a well in South Sudan. We invite you to join us as they explain their project and what it was that moved them to take action.

Copies of “A Long Walk to Water” are available at the Davies for you to borrow leading up to the event (it’s a quick and moving read at 128 pages long).

This event is free and open to everyone, however donations will be accepted if you would like to support their goal.

This project is supported in part by the school’s “Roots and Shoots” group, a program which encourages youth to take an active lead in making a difference across the world. For questions about the event, please contact the library at 748-4609 or davieslibraryvt@gmail.com.
Thank you!

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