Book Discussion

Past event
Mar 25, 2015

Reminder, this Wednesday Evening: Mar 25, 2015, 6:00 PM

Vermont Reads - Statewide One-Book Community Reading Program

Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie

Book Discussion March 25
Pot Luck at 6 PM, discussion starts at 6:30.

Pick up a copy of the book at the library today and Join us on March 25 as we explore Haroun's Question: What's the use of stories that aren't even true?" This book has been chosen by the Vermont Humanities Council to get Vermonters around the state to think about the value of storytelling in our lives.

Sound interesting, but haven't read the book? You are welcome to join us anyway and find out more about the author and the book!.

88 Main Street, Richford

Arvin A. Brown Public Library
88 Main Street
Richford, VT 05476
Monday 10 - 5
Wednesday 10 - 8
Friday 10 - 5
Saturday 9 - 1
Closed Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday and most holidays

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