Hi Neighbors-
Just a reminder that you are all invited to view some of the incredible works of art made by Nick Neddo- a sixth generation Vermonter who makes his own paint, ink, paintbrushes, pens, paper, crayons, sketchbooks, charcoal, and more from materials gathered in the landscape- which will be on display Saturday evening at Willow Crossing Farm in Johnson.
Saturday evening's presentation is free and open to the public, and starts at 7 pm. Please email or call me (802) 734-1129 for directions to the farm, and parking for the event.
Nick is the author of the recently published book 'The Organic Artist: Make Your Own Paint, Paper, Pigments, Prints and More from Nature' and, and he will have copies for sale or can sign your copy (with a wild-crafted dip pen and walnut ink!).
We'll also be doing a day-long Wild-Crafted Pens and Inks Making Workshop with Nick this Sunday- March 22. We've had a few last-minute cancelations and would love to fill the class!
You can find out more about it and register here:
Whether you can come or not- you should check out some of Nick's work here:
Hope to see you and thanks for sharing this with potentially interested friends or networks!
Keith and Family
Willow Crossing Farm
Mar 2, 2025, 2 to 3 PM
March/April Session of Kids Art Club at 60 Main ArtsMar 6, 2025, 3 to 4:15 PM
Pizza & Energy-Related Presentations, All Ages Welcome!Mar 8, 2025, 10:30 AM to 3 PM