Management and Pruning of Ornamental Sugar Maples

Past event
Mar 27, 2015, 3 to 5 PM

Location: Newfane Common, in front of the Windham County Courthouse

On Friday, March 27, from 3:00 – 5:00 pm, Windham Regional Woodlands Association presents a workshop by County Forester Bill Guenther and Certified Arborist Kevin Shrader on the Management and Pruning of Ornamental Maples. Bill will give an overview of the ornamental tree management program he started about 15 years ago on what is arguably Vermont’s most scenic Common. He is dealing with some very old trees, some pretty young trees, and a few in middle age. They all have their own needs, which vary considerably. Kevin and Bill will discuss the vertical mulching project that included some special additives, and they’ll also cover tree planting techniques. The primary emphasis of the afternoon will be on pruning the young Green Mountain Sugar Maples. Proper pruning is essential to good ornamental tree health. Different pruning tools will be discussed followed by an active demonstration. We’ll even let folks make of few of the pruning cuts.

Directions: From Brattleboro, go 12 miles north on Route 30 to Newfane Village. The courthouse is on the left as you enter the center of the Village.

This family-friendly event is free and open to the public.

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