It's Bingo Fundraiser Season!
On Saturday, March 28th, 1:00 at Paul's Sugar House in Derby, the North Country High School Band Boosters will hold a BINGO Fundraiser for the NCUHS Band Trip to Disney World. The Band has been invited to play in Downtown Disney on Veteran's Day 2015. The Band Members will also take part in a workshop led by Disney music professionals.
We hope you'll come on up to Derby to help support the Band.
The Band Boosters are also selling Cash Calendars for $10 each. Every day in the month of May, we'll give away money. Even if you win, your ticket goes back into the drawing, so you can win over, and over again! Extra amounts are given away on Mother's Day and Memorial Day. Please send me an e-mail if you'd like to purchase one and I'll get it to you!
Thank You!!