WNRCD Tree and Trout Sales in Full Swing!

Past event
Apr 25, 2015

WNRCD's Annual Tree and Trout Sales!
The Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District (WNRCD) announces that the 32nd Annual Tree and Shrub Sale will be held on April 25th, 2015! Pre-orders are due March 23rd.
WNRCD is also hosting a Spring Trout Sale. Orders will be taken until April 10th. Smaller fish must be picked up on April 29th between 4:30 and 6:00 PM in Waterbury, Vermont. Larger fish will be delivered directly to ponds that same day.

WNRCD is committed to offering this sale as a way to promote the planting of trees and shrubs throughout Vermont’s landscape. Furthermore, it is a fundraiser for the Winooski NRCD. Funds raised from the Tree and Trout Sales enable us to bring workshops, educational information, and high-quality conservation programs to the people in our District.

For more information about the Tree and Trout Sales, please contact Sophie Sauvé, WNRCD District Manager, sophie@winooskinrcd.org or visit our website: www.winooskinrcd.org

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