Bridge 2 over Finel Hollow Brook located along FAS Route 138 (VT Route 140) in the town of Poultney is included in the Town Highway Bridge Program. A Scoping Report has been created that considers the existing conditions and the future needs at this site. Several alternatives that attempt to balance the needs of the traveling public with the needs of the local community and the environment are included in this Report. These alternatives will be presented and a recommendation will be made by the Agency of Transportation. The recommendation for this project will be to replace the existing structure with a precast arch or frame while maintaining traffic on an offsite detour.
The Agency of Transportation will consider all suggestions for changes and recommendations made by any persons interested therein.
The meeting will be held at the Poultney High School Library, located at 154 East Main Street in Poultney, VT. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 and will begin at 6:30 p.m.
The Scoping Report outlining the various alternatives may be seen at the office of the Town Clerk in Poultney, Vermont or at the Structures Section of the Agency of Transportation’s office in Montpelier, Vermont. The Scoping Report is also available for viewing on the internet at the following address: