Developing strong social-emotional skills in early childhood is critical for school readiness and lifelong learning. Families can help children develop their abilities to understand and express their emotions, relationships, self-regulation skills, and executive functioning skills.
The Craftsbury Public Library will be holding a one day workshop for parents and families, preschool teachers, and day care providers on Saturday, March 21 at 9:30-11:00AM. Participants will receive free books, and childcare will be provided during the program.
This program is part of a series developed by the Vermont Early Literacy Initiative and Mother Goose Programs. Please pre-register at the library as space is limited. Call 586-9683 or email
Susan O'Connell
Library Director
Craftsbury Public Library
P.O. Box 74
Craftsbury Common, VT 05827
(802) 586-9683
“Interlibrary loans are a wonder of the world and a glory of civilization.” ― Jo Walton , Among Others
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