Selectmen's Meeting Agenda March 12

Past event
Mar 12, 2015

Meeting brought to order by Clerk.

Pledge Allegiance.

Motion and second for Chairman of Selectboard.

Motion and second for member of Selectboard to act as Road Commissioner.

Motion and second for Selectboard member to take minutes at special meetings.

Review, approve and/or change agenda.

Review and sign prior meeting minutes.

AOT discussion of Bridge 9 with Jennifer Fitch.

Sharon Wescott regarding delinquent tax billing.

Road Foreman, Charles Bush.

Approve Paving Forms - note that #7 was added.

Review and approve paving and structure grants sent to DOT.

New truck.

Fleet permits for r.k. miles, United Natural Foods

Town Service Appointment.

Town Office upgrade.

Efficiency VT

Town Hall.

Rutland Chamber of Commerce.

Other business.

Public Comment.

Motion and second to go into Executive Session.

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