MMUUF's Pro Sleeps Out to End Homelessness

Past event
Mar 28 to 29, 2015

Mount Mansfield Unitarian Universalist Fellowship's Project Outreach group (yes it is a mouthful ). Is sleeping out to end homelessness in Vermont. How's this work? The PRO group will be sleeping out in front of the red barn the weekend of the 28th and 29th outside in the cold weather to support a group known as Spectrum. Spectrum is an agency that helps homeless and at risk you in our state. During this weekend groups across the state will be sleeping out for the same reason. While we do this we have 2 goals.
1. to raise awareness in our community about the issue
2. raise money for spectrum
to do this we'll need the support of our community!
if you want to help contribute to the cause the more people on board with us the better. If you want to come brave the cold with us awesome! If you're more of an indoors person but still want to help we need sponsors! Either way come visit our team page to come join us or Sponsor someone or even the whole team!
exact times tbd
page is here[...]j=Y

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