Hazardous Waste, E-Waste, Books, and Textiles Collection in Tunbridge

Past event
Sep 7, 2013, 9 AM

Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District is holding a special collection of Household Hazardous Waste, E-Waste, Books, and Textiles this Saturday, September 7, 9 am - 1 pm, at the Tunbridge Transfer Station at 64 Recreation Rd. Fee for district residents is $15 per carload for hazardous waste - all other materials are FREE. CVSWMD encourages multiple household carloads to save gas, time and money.

All CVSWMD collections are open to ALL CVSWMD residents (a higher fee applies for non-residents). Member towns include: Barre City, Barre Town, Berlin, Bradford, Calais, Chelsea, East Montpelier, Fairlee, Hardwick, Middlesex, Montpelier, Orange, Plainfield, Tunbridge, Walden, Washington, Williamstown, and Woodbury.

For more information about what to bring for hazardous waste go to: http://www.cvswmd.org/what-is-hazardous-waste.html
For our complete 2013 collection schedule, go to: http://www.cvswmd.org/special--haz-waste-collections-schedule.html

If you have questions call 229-9383 ext. 105 or go to www.cvswmd.org

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