Join Us for Our Annual Live and Silent Auction!

Past event
Mar 7, 2015

This Saturday!

You can wear your jeans or dressy clothes, it does not matter! Just come join us for a wonderful, festive evening in our neighborhood.

Vermont CARES is proud to host its annual auction at the Essex Resort and Spa in Essex, VT. Attendees at the 2015 auction will be guaranteed great company in solidarity and support of Vermont CARES, unsurpassed auction items (both live and silent) proffered by our lively auctioneer Jamie Polli of GameshowsVT, as well as ample and delicious food.

You can buy your tickets online by clicking the "Register Now" button below. You can also buy tickets at the door.

Some of this year's auction items include: Travel, dining, jewelry, housewares and more!

All funds raised will go towards the expansion of our HIV prevention, education programs and to expand the services given to people living with HIV/AIDS.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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