250th Events on September 8
Huntington Continues to Note the Quarter Millennial
10:30 am: Town photo, Brewster-Pierce School.
11 am-2 pm: Chicken BBQ & Salad Supper, Brewster-Pierce School, Huntington Center. Serving begins at 11 am and goes until 2 pm or all are served. A slow-roasted half chicken dinner, includes beverage and a choice of seven fresh salads made with local vegetables and fresh herbs.
$10 Half Chicken Dinner • $7.50 Salads Dinner • $6 Child’s Chicken Dinner (under 12 years). Half chickens for the freezer available at 1 pm: $6.50. Tickets available at the door or reserve your meal by calling
434-4583 or 434-2690. TAKE-OUTS AVAILABLE. Benefit of Huntington Public Library in the Union Meeting House
Beginning at 1 pm: Ice Cream Social & Live Music, Huntington Town Hall. Also historic photos display and other Huntington information will be available.
4 pm: Contradance at Jubilee Farm barn. Caller Will Mentor. Live music: Pete Sutherland & Jim Burns. Admission: $5 adult; $2 12-years & under; $12 family (2 adults/2 children). Families and beginners welcome.
Ongoing... History Quiz until October 19, Scavenger Hunt Begins on September 8
Feb 5, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM
Alpha Film Series at SJV ChurchFeb 7, 2025, 6:15 to 8:30 PM
Movement for Parkinson's (MfPD) Winter/Spring SessionFeb 11, 2025, 12 to 1:15 PM