Women Helping Battered Women's 7th Annual Zumbathon

Past event
Mar 28, 2015

Higher Ground 1214 Williston Road South Burlington
Saturday, March 28, 2015 1:00-3:00 PM Doors open at 12:00 Noon

This year's theme is Rhythm Nation 2015 - and as the lyrics to the famous Janet Jackson song state, "Strength in numbers, we can get it right". With over 300 participants each year, the Zumbathon® demonstrates the strength and power that numbers have when coming together for a cause. Our cause is to educate people about domestic abuse, to prevent domestic abuse, and to help victims and survivors.

Go to http://www.whbw.org/news-events/zumbathon/ for event information.
To register and fundraise please create a page at http://www.firstgiving.com/22338/rhythmnation2015

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