Book Study, "This Changes Everything" by Naomi Klein

Past event
Mar 3, 2015

Book Study, "This Changes Everything" by Naomi Klein
Bruce Henderson
Event: Mar 3, 2015

The Bennington, Vt node of 350VT is sponsoring a discussion of Naomi Klein's new book "This Changes Everything" at the Second Congregational Church, Tuesday, March 3rd. at 7:00pm.

"This Changes Everything", a well researched, and sharply-argued book about global climate change by award winning author Naomi Klein, is well worth everybodys time to meet and discuss. Klein argues that the changes that are required to respond to the climate crisis humanely should be viewed as an opportunity - an opportunity to move to a more sustainable way of life, modes of agriculture and transportation, a more just economic system, and way of living in communities. And the book gives us many examples of the movements and communities that have already begun this process. Please join us to begin a local discussion of climate change. Discussion leaders: Barbara True-Weber, PhD, Political Science, retired, and Bruce Henderson.

Call 802-447-1316, or 802-682-7236 for more info

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