Community Forum: Shelburne's Children and Their Families
All of us are aware that broader changes in society impact Shelburne and its citizens. Whether it be economic shifts, greater diversity, housing challenges, health care system changes -- all these have a profound impact on the most vulnerable in our communities - our children.
Join the Shelburne Social Services Committee in a panel presentation and discussion of recent trends that affect children. A panel comprised of staff from Shelburne Community School, Shelburne Police Department, and the SSSC will address challenges in supporting families and children. Representatives of social service agencies and faith communities that serve Shelburne are invited to add their perspectives. All members of our community have distinct perspectives to offer, and are encouraged to join in a dialogue about how we meet the challenges and take advangage of opportunities.
Thursday, March 19
7-8:30 PM
Shelburne Town Center, Second Floor, Meeting Room #1
5420 Shelburne Road
Disability accommodations provided upon request; contact the Town of Shelburne at 985-5110.
Mar 5, 2025, 8 to 9 AM
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