Vermont Chili Festival

Past event
Mar 14, 2015

Vermont Chili Festival is March 14th

Downtown Middlebury will be brimming with chili from top restaurants and caterers from around the state for the 7th Annual Vermont Chili Fest on March 14th from 1:00-4:00pm. Meet the folks behind the award-winning recipes, and don’t forget to stop in the beverage tent for some of the best local beers, ciders and spirits available. Families will enjoy the all-ages entertainment, and there will be live music in the afternoon from The Grift. The fun starts at 1:00 pm — don’t miss it! This year, tickets are $5 in advance or $7 on the day of the event-- buy tickets here:

The Chili Fest is still looking for a few volunteers- this is a great way to get involved in a fun community event. Plus, you only need to "work" for half of the event, and enjoy the delicious chili and entertainment for free for the rest of the time. View the open slots and sign up here:

Looking forward to seeing you at the Vermont Chili Festival on March 14th!

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