I am posting the following information regarding Richford's Town Meeting and voting to encourage and enable all registered voters to participate in Vermont's unique town meeting process as one method of engaging in our community and helping to determine the direction that we move together. As a new Richford resident, I found that it took more effort than I am used to to find details on when and where town meeting happens here. So, here they are (again) in case you might also be wondering or need an additional point of reference. Printed copies of 2014 Annual Reports, including the official Warning Notice for the 2015 Annual Meeting and articles to be voted upon at town meeting or during Australian Ballot voting are available for free at Richford Town Hall.
Richford Town Meeting will happen at Richford Town Hall, Monday, March 2, 2015, at 7:00 PM.
Australian Ballot voting will happen at the Richford Town Hall on March 3, 2015, 10 AM to 7 PM. This secret ballot voting will determine election of officers and financial matters.