Opening Our Hearts of Gaia Workshop Saturday!

Past event
Feb 28, 2015

with Fearn Lickfield at the Worcester Town Hall
$75. Lunch included.

In this healing and heart opening day long intensive we will cover;
An introduction to Geomancy. 6 sense meditation. Heart Perception. Journey to the Heart of Gaia. Discover your healing essence. Toning. Gratitude. Loving Kindness, and more!

At the core of our human struggle is a deep feeling of separation and a forgetting of who we truly are. This separateness is a self-imposed illusion that is destroying our world. We left the Garden of Eden in order to explore, create, divide and conquer. This has been a painful but necessary part of our evolution but we cannot continue this path any longer. There is much talk of the tipping point as it relates to climate change, fossil fuels and the environment. Serious, scary stuff for sure. But remember, for every dark there is light. There is another tipping point that is also rapidly building. We will hit it when enough of us are opening our hearts to Re-Member, Re-Connect and Re-Store the web of life of which we are still a part. It’s a lot like the hundredth monkey theory. This is the work of many.
The way toward healing our world requires us to open and reconnect with our Hearts to all of Life. Gaia is calling us back to our Hearts, to Her Heart.
Will you Re-Member?

This is Module 1 of GSE and will be repeated in the 7 Month Immersion. Tuition will be will be pro-rated for any who decide to continue and deepen.

Dive in and see if you want to go all the way!
Pre-register; contact

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