Meet: @ Outdoor Gear Exchange-37 Church Street
Destination: Intervale Trails
When: 6pm
The Outdoor Gear Exchange's 'Run Like a Local' Group Runs are about getting out and exploring the trails and natural beauty around Burlington. Every week our eclectic group comes together to enjoy local trails around Burlington.
Sporadically throughout the summer there will shoe demos from brands like Salomon, La Sportiva, Merrell, Scott, Montrail and other trail runners. We'll get to try the newest shoes and technology, not around the block, but on a full run.
Every week the runs will start at 6pm. Once a month we'll meet at 5:30pm to carpool to a local trail that is outside of our "on foot" range(Or you can meet us at the trail head at 6pm). Bicycles are also encouraged
Feb 10, 2025, 7 to 8:15 PM
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