Rice's 6th Annual High School for a Day
Students in grades 5-8 can get a sneak peek at high school life by attending Rice Memorial High School's annual High School for a Day (HS4D) program on Monday, March 23. Participants customize their HS4D schedule by choosing from a variety of hands-on activities specially designed to highlight Rice's classes and after-school activities. This year's program offerings include:
"Godspell" Scenes and Songs
3D Modeling with Sketch Up
How to Make a TV Commercial
Around the World at Rice
Shakespeare, the Good Parts: Dating, Dissing and Dying
Mission Possible with Campus Ministry Director, Mary Kelly
Adventures in French
So, You Think You Can "Operate" - Mathematically, That Is!
Basketball clinic with Girls' Varsity Basketball Coach, Tim Rice and members of girls' and boys' teams
Scholars' Bowl
Green Knights Highlight Reel
Stunt Nite: What is it? And, how can I do that?
Model UN
Risky Behavior v. Healthy Decisions with the WHAT Group
Science Trivia
Strength & Conditioning Training with Girls' Prep Hockey Coach, Becky Salyards
Space is limited in this popular program. RSVP by March 13 to reserve your child's spot. Go to www.rmhsvt.org/admission/visit-rice to register or call 862-6521 ext. 235.
Mar 4, 2025, 9 AM
Carnevale Fundraiser & Silent AuctionMar 8, 2025, 5:30 to 9 PM
Community Blood DriveMar 11, 2025, 10:30 AM to 3 PM