Subject: Borneo, Sulewesi & Bali--Armchair Travel Sunday, March 1, 2 pm.
Join Ronnie Levin at the Solomon Wright Public library on a 3 day river trip into the heart of Borneo's villages to see indigenous dancing and old Dayak women with stretched ear lobes to their shoulders. In Sulewesi, be amazed at geometrically painted houses adorned with sacrificed buffalo horns, 50 squealing tied pigs at a funeral ceremony, and realistically carved effigies of deceased ancestors in mountaintop caves. Bali boasts temple ceremonies (puja's),Barong Dancing, Gamelon orchestra and rice paddies. In addition to the 2 pm travelogue and photos the audience will be able to examine artifacts collected Ms Levin, Pownal resident and frequent traveler. Question and answer period will follow with light refreshments. For further information on our 3rd and last "armchair travel" series this winter contact the library at 823-5400 or e-mail Bring a friend!