MMMUSD Budget Informational Meetings

Past event
Feb 19, 2015

Dear Community Members:
The Mt. Mansfield Modified Union School District is in the process of sharing the 2015-16 proposed school budget with the community at budget informational hearings. You are invited to attend two more budget informational meetings: tonight, Feb 19th, 6:30 pm at Browns River Middle School and Thursday, Feb 26th, 6:30 pm at Mt. Mansfield Union High School. This budget proposal will support 5 elementary schools (Smilie Memorial, Jericho Elementary, Richmond Elementary, Underhill ID Elementary, Underhill Central School), 2 middle schools (Browns River and Camels Hump Middle Schools) and one high school (Mt. Mansfield Union High School) during the 2015-16 school year. To view the MMMUSD Budget Information Flyer and the proposed 2015-16 budget, please go to our website at

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