Cabot Main St Working Group

Past event
Sep 23, 2013, 7 PM

Cabot Main Street Working Group Sets Sights on Improving Cabot

On August 6 members of the Cabot Main Street Working Group convened to discuss ways to support the Select Board’s efforts to ensure a healthy, safe, beautiful, and working Main Street. The Working Group, comprised of seven members representing residents of Cabot who live in the Village and the surrounding hillsides and are interested in improving Cabot’s Main Street corridor, assembled at the invitation of the Select Board to act as an advisory committee. At the August 6 meeting at the Wiley Building the Working Group established its mission and a general list of activities it would like to undertake, which are to:

1. Identify short term, inexpensive actions that can be quickly taken to improve safety in Cabot Main Street area.

2. Identify medium term and longer term actions that the voters, the Cabot Select Board, and other concerned organizations can take to improve safety, the economy, aesthetics, and pleasantness of life in the Main Street area.

3. Identify, encourage, and support the Cabot Select Board and other relevant organizations to apply for grants/funding for efforts to improve safety, the economy, aesthetics, and pleasantness of life in the Main Street area.

4. Collect and review existing resources (including studies, plans, and surveys and other available information) that could be helpful to the Working Group and the community.

The Working Group also affirmed a commitment to do its best to keep the Cabot community fully

informed of its activities and to regularly seek involvement from interested community members.

The Working Group plans to regularly post summaries of its work in the Cabot Chronicle, Front Porch Forum, and to work with the Communications Committee established by the Community Visit process. The Working Group will develop a site electronically in the near future where community members will have access to minutes, agendas, resources, and other materials to remain informed.

Cabot Main Street Working Group meetings are scheduled to occur on the fourth Monday of each month at 7 pm at the Willey Building. Upcoming meetings will occur on Sept. 23 and Oct. 28. All community members are welcome and are encouraged to attend meetings and provide input in a spirit of collaboration.

Please consider joining us!

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